"Fairy tales tell, as their labels imply, Stories of magic, of creatures that fly, With giants and dragons and ogres and elves, And inanimate objects that speak for themselves, There's romance and danger and plotting of schemes, There's good guys and bad guys and some guys in-between, A fairy tale also reveals some sort of truth, The perils of choices we make in our youth."
Ella Enchanted

Photos from the Wyndham City Library - CBD Branch

Countdown to Christmas

Sunday, November 4, 2007

#23 Is This Really The End?

WOW, what a ride.

Learning Library 2.0 has been a really great experience for me. There has been so many new and different discoveries that I never new existed.

A lot of internet uses just think of it as a source of knowledge, looking up answers to questions we ask, but it is more than that. It is a world not only of knowledge but of creativity, communications, experiences and loads of fun.

Is this the end? Definitely not, I am sure that the experiences and knowledge I have discovered in this journey will be of use not only in the workplace but in anything I do. Example joining the scrapbook wiki I found or using flickr to share my pictures and even using my discoveries on creating my own blog on scrapbooking. A friend and I had created a blogspot but I didn't know anything about blogging and so I left it for her to keep updated and to work on, but now we can share the experience together.

Another area that I will use quite a lot is del.icio.us, a central spot to keep my bookmarks (how many times I have been somewhere and tried to remember a website to share with someone or sent it to my hotmail, :-) but not any more).

I have shared my experiences with my children and they have learned new things too and my son has seen me have so much fun and learned so much that he is thinking of having a go at the 23 things for himself.
MySpace Graphics
MySpace Graphics

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Congratulations on completing the Learning 2.0 program. I'm glad you have enjoyed the experience.
I think you idea of a scrapbooking blog would be great
