"Fairy tales tell, as their labels imply, Stories of magic, of creatures that fly, With giants and dragons and ogres and elves, And inanimate objects that speak for themselves, There's romance and danger and plotting of schemes, There's good guys and bad guys and some guys in-between, A fairy tale also reveals some sort of truth, The perils of choices we make in our youth."
Ella Enchanted

Photos from the Wyndham City Library - CBD Branch

Countdown to Christmas

Saturday, November 3, 2007

#21 Podcasts

I Played around with different podcast sites, I visited podcast.net and podcastalley, in both of these sites I typed in Harry Potter, and I got quite a few hits. In podcast.net there were 63 matches and in podcastally there were 177 matches. When I checked out some of the podcast I noticed that there were some that appeared in both podcast sites. I then visited podbean which is another podcast site I visited earlier in the 23 things exercises, when I added a song to go with my Disney picture. In podbean it had 51 matches for Harry Potter.

I liked podbean as it was easy to look at, with easy links, like adding to your subscription, date of latest update, category it falls into, tags it has been given and when you click on the link it gives quick links to add to del.icio.us, send this link and even has a website you can visit.

Could podcasts be used in a library? This is the question. I think that they could be. I think it could be used to give updates of new books in a library, reviews on books maybe even blurbs or books of interest in different categories. We need to think outside the square.

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