"Fairy tales tell, as their labels imply, Stories of magic, of creatures that fly, With giants and dragons and ogres and elves, And inanimate objects that speak for themselves, There's romance and danger and plotting of schemes, There's good guys and bad guys and some guys in-between, A fairy tale also reveals some sort of truth, The perils of choices we make in our youth."
Ella Enchanted

Photos from the Wyndham City Library - CBD Branch

Countdown to Christmas

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

#10 Image Generators

Where to start, there are so many image generators to chose from.
First I played around with Blythe Doll Makeup Generator, but when I was done I couldn't find a way of saving my creation.

Then I found this site which is a My Little Pony generator, one part was to create your own pony, selecting pony colour, hair & eye colour, type of pony, female or male and adult or child, this is what I created.

Another part of this program was to create a father pony and a mother pony, then when you press create it generates a child. This was the result.

And then I stumbled across this image generator, I think that everyone who had a go at completing the Public Libraries-Learning 2.0 should get one.
