"Fairy tales tell, as their labels imply, Stories of magic, of creatures that fly, With giants and dragons and ogres and elves, And inanimate objects that speak for themselves, There's romance and danger and plotting of schemes, There's good guys and bad guys and some guys in-between, A fairy tale also reveals some sort of truth, The perils of choices we make in our youth."
Ella Enchanted

Photos from the Wyndham City Library - CBD Branch

Countdown to Christmas

Saturday, October 20, 2007

#13 Del.icio.us (Tagging)

Never knew that there was anything like Del.icio.us, I always thought that bookmarking a site could 0nly be done on the computer you have bookmarked it to. In the past I have emailed myself the web address to access it from other computers. But how easy it is to do it through Del.icio.us.
And what about tagging? It is great to be able to put as many tags on it that you want, to make it easier to find and for others to share. I noticed too, that when I have added an item to Del.icio.us and somebody else has added it, it shows how many other people have bookmarked this site, and I have been able to go through their bookmarks to see common interests and check out those sites.

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