There is no escaping
technology, no matter where you go you are faced with it, keeping up with it is the biggest challenge of all. We have gone from
morse code and writing letters to
mobile phones, sms messaging, msn instant messaging and emails. Even when you go to a supermarket, the machines do all the tallying up for you, there is no thinking or working out for yourself.

As a circulation officer I have library patrons asking me for books on computers. They ask for instructional book on how to use the computer. What surprises me, is that when asked about what kind of things they want to learn about their computer 95% would say
emails and
surfing the net.
But what these people don't realize is that there is so much more that can be done on computers and lots of fun to be had.
I love my computer and so do my children, creating fliers, posters, business cards, typing letters and searching for new and interesting fonts to use instead of the standard ones. They have the computer to do their school homework and the internet to find cliparts, to enhance the end result.

The wonderful thing I really like about my computer is generating your own home movies with movie maker. When my daughter turned 16 I embarrassed her by scanning photos of her from when she was a baby to the latest photos. I then put them into
movie maker, giving each photo a different
transition (the fade out of one and opening of another photo). Then you can add music for background sound which plays while viewing the slides. Also giving it the finishing touches by adding an opening statement and ending it with credits. When you are happy with your creation, the last step is to save it... Then sit back and watch your creation come to life.
Below is just a small sample of a video done with
Windows Movie Maker.
How can this form of
Technology be used in a library you might ask? It can be used as demonstrated in an earlier blog post
"Adding images to audio to make a video" to promote new books, videos, audio books or anything the library wishes to promote, even to show activities that took place in the library. These movies can also be put on hard disc and viewed by video through a TV screen.