"Fairy tales tell, as their labels imply, Stories of magic, of creatures that fly, With giants and dragons and ogres and elves, And inanimate objects that speak for themselves, There's romance and danger and plotting of schemes, There's good guys and bad guys and some guys in-between, A fairy tale also reveals some sort of truth, The perils of choices we make in our youth."
Ella Enchanted

Photos from the Wyndham City Library - CBD Branch

Countdown to Christmas

Friday, September 21, 2007

# 3 First post

Hi all,

Surprisingly I work in a library and I'm suffering from writers block!! I don't know what to write. Well I suppose I should start with the L
ifelong Learners and what the podcast taught me.

When she spoke about what it means to be a Lifelong Learner I realised I have always been one. But one thing she did not mention was motherhood, and the many obstacles mother face and have needed to overcome. First as babies learning on a daily basis what each cry meant and the changing of nappies, to children letting them leave for their first day of school and to now, like my oldest one at 19, having his own car and watching my litt
lest one in her last year of high school.

But I must say, at heart, I am a Disney Dreamer as I'm sure most women are too . . . dreaming of that Prince Charming riding up on his noble steed . . .
and whisking you away into the sunset.


Lorrie said...

Fantastic graphics! I'll have to find out how you did that. Libby will want to know too!

Learning 2.0 administrator said...

Wow, my daughter would love the graphics! Welcome to the program- hope you enjoy it.

Library Blogger said...

Hmmm, DD, not sure if your idea of a noble steed matches mine.... :-)

Andrew said...

What is it with library people and pink blogs???